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This is our latest vision training product. It consists of four rings, each progressively more difficult. This vision product is designed to improve tracking ability, depth perception, and fine focus. It can be used alone, with a partner, or in a group. The ring is tossed back and forth with the object to catch the correct colored ball. It will definitely improve your "sports vision". 

Four colorful poly-balls are evenly spaced on a durable plastic ring.You use it by lightly tossing the Vision Ring up in the air, if practicing alone, or back and forth, if with another player. Concentrate on catching one of the four balls, not the ring, using either two hands or one. Remember to always focus on the ball you are trying to catch.

Once you feel comfortable with the Vision Ring, you will be able to move on to one of the three games described in the instruction booklet.

Why train your vision? A few vision facts:

  • 80% of perceptual input in sports is visual.It takes 4/10’s of a second for the ball to reach the plate from the pitcher's release (this is true for both baseball and fast-pitch softball). Therefore, the hitter must decide whether or not to swing when the ball is about 1/3 of the way there.
  • If you misjudge pitch velocity by 5 mph, your bat position will be inaccurate by about 2 feet.
  • If you misjudge the pitch velocity by 2–5 mph, your bat position will be off by 1 foot.
  • If you misjudge the pitch velocity by 1 mph, your bat position will be off by about 4 inches.
  • This can mean the difference between swinging and missing or hitting a hard line drive.
  • Visual skills can be improved; you can train the eye muscles just like any other muscle in the body with "sport-specific" training.
  • Judging velocity is the most difficult skill for most hitters to master. Depth perception is important.

HTS Vision Rings (set if you like)

$125.00 Regular Price
$75.00Sale Price
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